Management Commitment, Employee Involvement

Jergens Piping Corporation’s Environmental Health & Safety program is driven by leadership and commitment from senior management.  We are dedicated to providing a productive, safe and healthy work environment for our employees, contractors, clients, customers and community.

Our promises to you and our employees include:

  • To instill a culture where harm to our coworkers is totally unacceptable
  • To proactively address all health, safety and environmental hazards
  • To encourage each team member to actively participate in providing a safe work site
  • To train team members to perform work using safe work procedures
  • To work together in identifying, assessing and controlling hazards
  • To strive for zero tolerance towards hazards, incidents and injuries
  • To resource each employee with all necessary safety equipment for the task


  • Provide initial employee orientation in person
  • Coordinate Site orientation with our customers, subcontractors and clients
  • Schedule consistent Toolbox and Tailgate discussions
  • Proactively monitor field work
  • Ensure that every team member is specifically trained for his task
  • Continually develop relationships with customers, operations, subcontractors and other trades to eliminate hazards

Each team member has a responsibility to ensure the safety of himself and those around him.

Safety Team

Safety Manager – Randy Small

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